Hi,  Welcome to the home of Bull Shad Swimbaits.  The swimbaits the Pros use..  We specialize in affordable custom made Swim baits to catch Trophy Bass and Stripers.  

Long story short, back in my early days over 15 years ago I was a full time guide on Lake Allatoona trying to find out how to catch the trophy sized spotted and largemouth bass for my clients.  I figured doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results was the definition of insanity. I had to come up with something that was different than what everyone else was doing.  Back then swimbaits only existed in California and only in Trout profiles and colors.  So I decided to buy one of those trout swimbaits and the rest was history. 

By no means did I start to slay the bigger spotted and largemouth bass on Allatoona, but I became much more consistent in catching them.  Instead of only catching 2 or 3 5lb plus fish I started getting over a dozen in a years time.  That's huge for Lake Allatoona one of the most pressured and visited Corps of Engineer lake in the world due to it's proximity of Atlanta, GA 

Almost immediately I started to see and catch bigger fish on swimbaits. That got my wheels turning on making one of the very first gizzard shad swimbaits in existence.  After all that's what our bass feed on here in the east big gizzard and threadfin shad here in the Georgia and most of the United States.  

I am a self taught bait builder. There were no YouTube videos back then to show you how to make baits.  Trial and Error was my only guide and it wasn't pretty figuring out how to make baits swim the way I want.  Perseverance paid off and we came up with our first prototype over 15 years ago.  

I started fishing them myself and the baits started to produce for me.  So I introduced them to my guide clients and the rest was history.  Due to my success with swimbaits I had gawkers galore.  I started to book more and more trips due to my swimbait clients catching more quality fish on our trips.  Word of mouth got out and I had people stopping me at grocery stores, restaurants and gas stations asking about my swimbaits. Often times I just cut the bait off the end of my rod and gave them to folks.  There became a point in time where it was a viscous cycle.  Guide all day, come home make more baits because the customer bought almost all I had, sleep then start that all over again.  My only intent at the time was to help teach my guide clients how to catch bigger fish.  But I had to make a decision.  Make baits or continue guiding?  After talking it over with my wife I decided we are gonna try to go with this swimbait business.  

Here we are 15 years later.  We have had a very successful in fact storied career.  We have created tons of innovations, Expanded markets and even helped pioneer the swimbait industry as we know it.  We are world wide and have over 125 retailers over 5 continents.  Last time I checked over 15 World BASS Classic Champions and many other pros use our swimbaits.  We are the swimbaits the pros use!  


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